The prayer for peace from 400 years agoKunozan Toshogu

Shrine precinct guide

Kunozan Toshogu > Shrine precinct guide

Shrine precinct guide

Omotesando Ishidan  (Stone stairway to shrine) Ichinomon (Gate) Mon’eisho (Gatekeeper’s house) Roumon (Tower Gate) Shin-kyuu (Sacred Stable) Korou (Drum Tower) Go-juu-no-tou-ato (Five Story Pagoda Foundations) Kagura-den (Kagura Hall) Shinko (Depository for sacred objects) Hie Jinja (Hie Shrine) Haiden (Worship Hall) Byousho Sando (Path leading to shrine) Shinbyou (Shrine) Kuno Bairin  (Kuno Plum Grove) Ishidorii  (Stone torii gate)

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